Buy Gluten Free Amaranth Flour for Healthy Heart
Do you know Amaranth holds super health powers that could cure many chronic diseases like – cancer, blood pressure, cholesterol etc. All you have to do is mix amaranth flour in 1 to 4 ratios with any other flour to prepare roties, puries and other bakeries. The health values of amaranth:-
1. Amaranth is an excellent Gluten Free alternative food.
2. The oils and phytosterols in amaranth can help lower cholesterol levels, including LDL and triglycerides.
3. The anti-inflammatory properties of amaranth can ease pain and reduce inflammation. This is especially important for chronic conditions where inflammation erodes your health, such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
4. At the same time, peptides in amaranth that protect against inflammation may also help prevent cancer. The antioxidants in this grain may even help protect cells from other damage that can lead to cancer.