Is Dairy Milk Good or Bad For You? Some Shocking Facts

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Milk is considered as an important source of calcium and nutrition for ages now in India. Nobody ever questioned this belief until recent times when complete commercialization of animal husbandry has left no scope for any cattle to get raised with great care and love unlike in old days.
Recently, a new study published by British Medical Journal has shocked the world. A study was conducted on more than 100,000 people over periods of 20 to 30 years and it was found out that milk drinkers were more likely to suffer from heart disease and cancer. Yes! that’s the truth, milk is harmful for you.

Too many Hormones in Milk
Do you know dairy cows are given Bovine Growth Hormone for them to mature fast and give milk soon? In addition to that cows are give oxytocin which is illegal, the administration of oxytocin make cow give more milk and faster. Though this is a banned drug, still the hormone injections are getting smuggled to the dairy farms / tabelas. The oxytocin in your milk not only causes early puberty but also is one of the reasons for prostrate and breast cancer. Not to forget that cattle milk originally on its own contains 60-different hormones (such as testosterone, insulin like growth factors etc) that adversely impact our body when consumed. The cows that are milked are always pregnant, that milk from pregnant cows (which is how all milk products are produced) contains about 33 times as much estrogen as milk from non-pregnant cows. An increased exposure to estrogen increases the risk of cancer, and dairy accounts for 60 % to 80 % of estrogens consumed by humans today. In 2006, Harvard researchers have found out, by studying 100,000 women aged 26 to 46, those who had the highest intake of meat and dairy products also had the highest risk of breast cancer (33% more than those who consumed the least). For men, over 20 studies have established a strong link between prostate cancer and milk consumption.
Milk Aggravates Acne & Diabetes
All dairy contains IG1 or Insulin growth factor. It raises our levels of insulin, which causes blood sugar swings that lead to acne. Acne is strongly influenced by hormonal changes, which is one reason so many teenagers struggle during puberty. The famous Nurse’s Health Study examining health habits of 47,000 nurses found that those who drank more milk as teenagers had much higher rates of severe acne than those who had little or no milk as teenagers. If you think it is the fat in milk, think again. It was actually the skim milk that had the strongest risk for acne. In other studies of over 10,000 boys and girls from 9 to 15 years old, there was a direct link between the amount of milk consumed and the severity of acne.Drinking a glass of milk can spike insulin levels 300 percent. Not only does that cause pimples, but it also may contribute to prediabetes.
In India, You can Hardly Figure Out if You Are Buying Milk or Something Else
Now that we know that milk in itself is bad, how would you feel if you learn what you are drinking is even worse? In India greed has given way to the mass development of new type of adulterated milk known as synthetic milk. Synthetic milk is a mixture of water, pulverized detergent or soap, sodium hydroxide, vegetable oil, salt, and “urea”. Just like the animal milk production, the practice of preparing the synthetic milk also starts in the villages and spread all across. The places notorious for the production of synthetic milk include parts of Rajasthan, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh in India. Slowly but steadily the practice is spreading to other parts of India. So you can be sure that the glass of milk that you consume or feed your child is damaging your health and will surely have serious consequences in future.
The good news is you do not need milk once you start eating food. The body gets nourishment from good food. But what if you love milk? And you love to have milk in a cup of tea or coffee? Plant based sources are a great alternative. These are healthy, rich and cruelty free. There are several varieties of nut milks (almond, cashew, walnut etc), seed milks (sesame seed milk, flax seed milk, hemp milk etc) that one can easily make at home or can buy off the shelves. The most popular ones easily available these days are Soy milk and Almond Milk.
Almond milk, which is a plant milk with a creamy texture and nutty taste. It contains no cholesterol no lactose and is often consumed by the lactose-intolerant and others who wish to avoid dairy products, including vegans. Commercial almond milk comes in sweetened, unsweetened, plain, vanilla and chocolate flavors, and is usually enriched with vitamins. It can also be made at home using a blender, almonds, and water.
You can check the new range of almond milk in VegaLyfe store at