How Bad Could Cell Phone Radiations be for Unborn and Kids? – Shocking Facts You Won’t believe Are TRUE

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Do you know how harmful is radiation from phones, wireless routers, and laptop computers for the unborn baby?
According to latest medical studies radiation severely interfere with the child’s brain development (neurotransmitters) and can trigger many major behavioural issues, including symptoms resembling ADHD.  In 2008, a research was done on nearly 13,000 human children. It was found out that pregnant women using handsets just two or thantenna-88022_1920ree times a day was enough to raise the risk of their babies developing hyperactivity and difficulties with conduct, emotions and relationships by the time they reached school age and the risk became even greater (54% more likely) if the children also used the phones themselves before age 7.
The study further revealed that mothers who used mobile phones were 54% more likely to have children with behavioral problems. When the children also later used the phones themselves before age 7, they were:   
  • 25% more at risk from emotional problems
  • 80% more likely to suffer from difficulties with behaviour
  • 34% more likely to suffer from difficulties relating to their peers
  • 35% more likely to be hyperactive
  • 49% more prone to problems with conduct
Steps for Safer Cell Phone Use during Pregnancy and if you Have Small Kids at Home:
One needs to prevent the child and self from the impact electromagnetic radiation. You can help to minimize your exposure to electromagnetic radiation from cell phones and other wireless devices by heeding the following advice:
·  Make sure children Should Always Avoid Using or playing with Cell Phones: Children’s brains are far more vulnerable to cell phone radiation than adults, because of their thinner skull bones.
·  Reduce Your Cell Phone Use: Turn off your cell phone off more often. As long as your cell phone is on, it emits radiation intermittently, even when you are not actually making a call. If you’re pregnant, avoiding or reducing your cell phone use is especially important.
·  Use earphones if you have to make an important call, and keep your phone away from the body while talking.
·  Keep Your Wifi switched off when you are not using the internet (don’t make it a permanent availability at home)
Wear radiation protected clothes. mothers can opt for radiation protected garments, that block harmful radiations. Radiation protected clothes are available in very comfortable, skin friendly and chic designs. In India, “House of Napius” has launched first line of radiation safe maternity wear using path breaking NESA technology (Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Shielding Alternatives). Checking the range of Radiation Free Maternity Wear .